Healthy Substitute Ingredients

Healthy Substitute Ingredients

We love experimenting with food and hope that you will play around with our recipes and food plans. Here are some of our favourite substitute ingredients to make healthy, tasty dishes available for everyone:
  • Substitute 50g grated cheese for

1tbsp nutritional yeast flakes

  • Substitute 1 egg in baking for

15g chia seeds

Grind the chia seeds, mix with 45ml water and soak for 5 minutes until it becomes gloopy like raw egg

Also provides omega-3s and soluble fibre to help balance your cholesterol

  • Milk (dairy) for

any choice of plant milk

See our ‘non-diary milk guide’

  • 200g butter in baking for

150g apple puree + 100g coconut oil,
300g mashed banana,
230g pureed avocado

  • 1tbsp butter in cooking for

1tbsp coconut oil

A healthy fat alternative, which can be heated to high temperatures – the Reinvent program will explain the ins and outs of fats to you!

  • 240ml cream for

240ml full-fat coconut milk
125g raw cashew nuts, soaked overnight, then drained and blended with 115ml water

Eating nuts adds extra protein to your diet, keeping you fuller for longer and balancing your blood sugar.

  • 200g yogurt (dairy) for

200g coconut yogurt

  • 75g ice cream for

225g frozen banana, peeled, sliced and frozen, then blended,
225g frozen mango, peeled, chopped and frozen, then blended

Dairy can be a trigger for poor digestive health and symptoms such as bloating. Replacing it with fruit gives you added vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

  • 150g flour in baking for

100g wheat flour or gluten-free flour, mixed with 50g ground almonds,
100g wheat flour or gluten-free flour, mixed with 50g oats, blended into flour,
425g tin of beans (we like cannellini), drained, rinsed and pureed

Add 1tsp baking powder to make your flour self-raising

  • 150g flour in pancakes for

150g buckwheat flour

A delicious gluten free alternative

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