Ash Persian bean soup

May 22, 2017 | Salads and Soups | 0 comments

A really hearty soup, full of nutritious minerals and vitamins, fibre and antioxidants. A great winter soup to keep you full, warm and healthy!


Serves 2-3

  • 50g Red kidney beans (tinned & drained) *
  • 40g Chickpeas (tinned) *
  • 50g Green lentils (tinned)*
  • 50g Barley/Pearl Barley
  • 50g Pinto beans (tinned)*
  • 150-200g of neck or bones of a left over chicken/lamb/beef carcass – this is optional, leave out if you want a vegetarian version.
  • You can buy a piece of lamb neck uncooked but this would lengthen the cooking time.
  • 3-4 balls of frozen spinach chopped or 1 bag of fresh baby spinach, washed and finely chopped
  • X1 large onions, diced
  • X1 Tbsp olive oil
  • X1 tsp turmeric
  • X1 Vegetable oxo cubes (or you can use a homemade chicken broth)
  • Knob of butter ( or you can use 1 tbsp olive oil or coconut oil)
  • Sea salt & ground black pepper

*You can use the dried version, but will need soaking overnight.



  1. Soak barley ( & pulses if used dried) overnight in plenty of water so that they are covered.
  2. In the morning transfer the barley & pulses (with bones/carcass if you are using) to a large pan with enough water to cover all the ingredients completely and boil until they are soft.
  3. Keep checking and add more boiling water if necessary.