Chia smoothie breakfast pots

May 19, 2017 | Breakfast / Brunch | 0 comments


Serves 1

  • 250ml of nut milk (almond or hazelnut
  • 1/2 fresh vanilla pod
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 100g approximately of mixed berries of your choice – blueberries and raspberries work well. It is fine to use frozen fruit.
  • 1/2 small banana


  1. Scrape out the seeds of your vanilla pod into a bowl, add the chia seeds, maple syrup, stir and add 200ml of the milk.
  2. Pour into a glass and refrigerate for 3 hours minimum but preferably overnight so that the chia has time to expand and set.
  3. When it is ready, blend the fruit  (leave a couple out for decorating at the end), with the banana and the rest of the milk to make a smoothie.
  4. Pour this on top of your chia mixture and decorate with the remaining fruit.

If you want to vary this recipe or make it more filling then add a layer of granola between the chia and the smoothie.  Yum!